The SCA recently set aside an interdict preventing Kangra Coal from using water under its granted licence, ruling that the respondents lacked legal standing and failed to show harm.
Read MoreThe Constitutional Court agreed with the High Court’s decision in that RICA was an infringement on various constitutional rights
Read MoreThe Justice Minister has recently gazetted a notice wherein certain exemptions will apply to most organisations from having to compile a PAIA manual.
Read MoreThe relaxation of the regulation on loop structures is a welcome regulatory change.
Read MoreThe Labour Appeal Court rules on immediate resignations in the face of disciplinary action.
Read MoreThe extended COVID-19 TERS should offer much needed relief to certain employees still effected by the implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Read MoreThe substantive provisions of POPIA, which spell out the rights and obligations of persons and companies collecting and using the personal information of others, are to come into effect from 1 July 2020
Read MoreThe DTI has submitted that custom duties are in place for the purposes of protecting domestic producers, and extending the rebate programme for duty-free importation of critical medical supplies would be detrimental for local manufacturing.
Read MoreThe Competition Commission concluded that Centrum Pharmacy was in breach of the excessive pricing provisions under Consumer Protection Regulations.
Read MoreThis case highlights the vast differences between litigation in the High Court and Labour Court, as each is governed by their specific rules.
Read MoreDismissal of an employee for misconduct where the employer was aware of the said employee’s manic depression state.
Read MoreJudgment in matter dealing with when interest starts to run in respect arbitration awards challenged on review
Read MoreConstitutional Court’s unanimous Judgment in the so-called struggle songs case.
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